Beaumont High School | Beaumont, California
This was a carport-type solar PV project. The carports were installed in the parking area of the school and solar panels were applied to the top. We also utilized a boring technique under the parking lot to minimize the impact of trenches in order to install our underground conduit system.
Key Success Factors:
This project was a success due to many variables, most notably the extensive pre-planning we did in order to work in an occupied school. It was decided that underground boring would cause the least disturbance to the faculty and students. Therefore, boring under the parking lot was performed; one bore was over 750 feet and another was over 650 feet long.
The boring process vs. the “usual” trenching process allowed for the normal everyday operation of the school, without all of the open trenches and removal of the eco-friendly landscaping. Running 90 % of the conduit underground under the parking lot not only created a clean and efficient project, but it also kept the project within budget.
Project Type:
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installation
Contractor / Customer:
Beaumont Unified School District